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Elected Board Members
Hamlet of Crystal Lake Board Members -

Brad Tokaruk
Phone Number:
(306) 540-4257
Brad is a recently retired civil servant with a long background at Crystal Lake. He spent his youth at the lake (family cabin adjacent to the golf course) as well as many summer vacations over the years.

Lois Steinke
Phone Number:
(306) 562-8811
Lois became a member of the Hamlet Board at the July 2021 AGM.

Ken Wozniczka
Phone Number:
(306) 873-0853
His background is fairly recent at Crystal Lake, however his presence is known by many. He is one of the owners (since 2012) of the golf course, he is a member of the volunteer fire department, he is quick to help out his neighbours lending a hand when needed, and he volunteers for many different projects going on around the community.
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